Cooking with apples

Apple Chips

“Just like potato chips, but in apple form” – Mr. or Mrs. Obvious

apple chips










Apple Crisp


Apple Grilled Cheese Sandwich

apple grilled cheese





Homemade Apple Cider Donuts

apple cider donuts

“These go AWESOME with a cup of hot apple cider.” – Someone surely has said this, who had both at the same time

applewood chipsGrilling food with applewood smoke

Grilling with hardwoods is an age old way to add smokiness and unique flavor to grilling. That said, applewood has long been one of the popular choice for grillers and barbecuers alike, adding its unique fruity smokiness to meats and vegetables, particular pork and poultry dishes. Please check with orchards if they sell applewood, as they will not likely approve of branches being snapped off their trees, for obvious reasons. If you have no luck, it is indeed purchasable here in our giftshop. (click on the photo to buy from Amazon).




Grilled Apples

Grilled Apples





Apple Fritters

Colorado Apple Pancakes