Places to pick apples in Maine :

apple picking orchards

Apple Acres Farm

Phone: (207) 625-4777 or (800) 647-4725 365 Duringtown Road, South Hiram, ME

apple picking orchards

Avalon Acres Orchard & Farm

Phone: (207) 938-2501 234 Dexter Rd., Saint Albans, ME

apple picking orchards

Bailey Orchard

Phone: (207) 549-7680 255 N. Hunts Meadow Road, Whitefield, ME

apple picking orchards

Benoit Orchard

Phone: (207) 783-0875 Ferry & Cotton Road, Lewiston, ME

apple picking orchards

Boothby’s Orchard

Phone: (207) 754.3500 366 Boothby Road, Livermore, ME

apple picking orchards

Brackett Orchards

Phone: (207) 637-2580 224 Sokokis Ave., Route 11, Limington, ME

apple picking orchards

Cayford Orchards

Phone: (207) 474-5200 Email: 99 Hilton Hill Rd., Skowhegan, ME

apple picking orchards

Chick Orchards, Inc.

Phone: (207) 933-4452 155 Norris Hill Road, Monmouth, ME

apple picking orchards

Circle B Farms

Phone: (207) 498-8238 287 East Presque Isle Rd, Caribou, ME

apple picking orchards

Clark’s Cove Farm & Inn

Phone: (207) 563-8704 107 Ridge Road, Walpole, ME

apple picking orchards

Conant Orchards

Phone: (207) 269-2241 729 Stage Rd, Etna, ME

apple picking orchards

Cooper Brothers

Phone: (207) 225-5001 1833 Auburn Road, Turner, ME

apple picking orchards

County Fair Farm

Phone: (207) 549-3536 Rt 32, Jefferson, ME

apple picking orchards

Cura Family Farm

Phone: (207) 382-6161 Rt 137, Knox, ME

apple picking orchards

Dole Orchards

Phone: (207) 793-4409 Doles Ridge Road, Limington, ME

apple picking orchards

Elm Crest Farms

Phone: (207) 933-3778 Norris Hill Road, Monmouth, ME

apple picking orchards

Five Fields Farm

Phone: (207) 647-2425 Route 107, South Bridgton, ME

apple picking orchards

Gagnon Family Orchard

Phone: 407-451-9079 Greene, ME

apple picking orchards

Giles Family Farm

Phone: (207) 324-2944 Brock Road, Alfred, ME

apple picking orchards

Goss Farm

Phone: (207) 998-2565 158 Megquier Hill Rd, Poland, ME

apple picking orchards

Goughan Farms

Phone: (207) 496-1731 Fort Fairfield Road, Caribou, ME

apple picking orchards

Greenwood Farm

110 South Hill Rd., Buckfield, ME

apple picking orchards

Greenwood Orchards

Phone: (207) 225-3764 174 Auburn Road, Turner, ME

apple picking orchards

Hammond Farms

Phone: (207) 985-2550 180 Old North Berwick Road, Lyman, ME

apple picking orchards

Hansel’s Orchard

Phone: (207) 829-6136 44 Sweetser Rd, North Yarmouth, ME

apple picking orchards

Hardy Farms Apple Orchard

Phone: (207) 763-3262 106 Church Street, Hope, ME

apple picking orchards

Harris Orchard

Phone: (207) 989-3435 Wiswell Road, Brewer, ME

apple picking orchards

Hillcrest Orchards

Phone: (207) 223-4416 560 Main Road South (Rte. 1A), Winterport, ME

apple picking orchards

Hooper’s Orchard

Phone: (207) 525-3236 Email: 856 Back Brooks Road, Monroe, ME

apple picking orchards

Hope Orchards

Phone: (207) 763-2824 434 Camden Road, Hope, ME

apple picking orchards

Johnston’s Orchards

Phone: (207) 667-4028 Branch Pond Road off Rt.1A Bangor Rd., Ellsworth, ME

apple picking orchards

Kelly Orchards Inc.

Phone: (207) 636-4591 or (207) 636-1601 82 Sanborn Road, PO Box 48, Acton, ME

apple picking orchards

Kents Hill Orchard

Phone: (207) 685-3522 1625 Main Street, Kents Hill, ME

apple picking orchards

Lakeside Orchards

Phone: (207) 622-2479 or (877) 453-7656 318 Readfield Road, Manchester, ME

apple picking orchards

Lamb Abbey Orchards

Phone: 207-470-0447 2009 North Union Road, Union, ME

apple picking orchards

Lemieux’s Orchard

Phone: (207) 923-3518 Priest Hill Road, North Vassalboro, ME

apple picking orchards

Libby and Son U-Pick

Phone: (207) 793-4749 86 Sawyer Mt. Rd, Limerick, ME

apple picking orchards

Lowell Orchard

Phone: (207) 336-2411 5 Hebron Road, Buckfield, ME

apple picking orchards

Maine-ly Apples

Phone: (207) 234-2043 Rt. 7, Dixmont, ME

apple picking orchards

McDougal Orchards

Phone: (207) 324-5054 201 Hanson’s Ridge Road, Springvale, ME

apple picking orchards

Meadow Brook Farm

Phone: (207) 627-7009 727 Webbs Mills Rd. Rt. 85, Raymond, ME

apple picking orchards

Merrill Apple Farms

Phone: (207) 667-5121 Route 1A, Bangor Road, Ellsworth, ME

apple picking orchards

Molly’s Orchard

Phone: (207) 483-4178 Point Street, Columbia Falls, ME

apple picking orchards

Morrison Hill Orchard

Phone: (207) 778-4945 Morrison Hill Road, Farmington, ME

apple picking orchards

Mt. Nebo Orchard

Phone: (207) 685-3627 339 Wings Mills Road, Mt. Vernon, ME

apple picking orchards

North Chester Orchard

Phone: (207) 794-3547 460 North Chester Rd, Chester, ME

apple picking orchards

North Star Orchards

Phone: (207) 696-5109 97 Orchard Road, Madison, ME

apple picking orchards

Notre Dame Institute

Phone: (207) 324-2983 Rt. 202, Alfred, ME

apple picking orchards

Orchard Hill Farm

Phone: (207) 829-3581 36 Orchard Road, Cumberland, ME

apple picking orchards

Outlaw Orchard

Phone: (207) 588-6025 Email: 659 High Street, West Gardiner, ME

apple picking orchards

Pietree Orchard

Phone: (207) 647-9419 803 Waterford Road, Sweden, ME

apple picking orchards

Pine View Orchard

Phone: (207) 715-0365 17 Sunset Lane, (off Pine Hill Rd.), Berwick, ME

apple picking orchards

Pleasant Pond Orchard

Phone: (207) 737-4443 430 Brunswick Road, Richmond, ME

apple picking orchards

Plowshares Community Farm

Phone: (207) 239-0442 Email: 236 Sebago Lake Road, Gorham, ME

apple picking orchards

Randall Orchards

Phone: (207) 642-3500 Box 145-1 Randall Rd, Standish, ME

apple picking orchards

Raven Hill Orchard

Phone: (207) 247-4455 in Maine; (877) 213-1672 255 Ossipee Hill Rd., E. Waterboro, ME

apple picking orchards

Ricker Hill Orchards

Phone: (207) 225-3455 Ricker Hill Road, Turner, ME

apple picking orchards

Roberts’ Orchard

Phone: (207) 998-4183 Poland Corner Rd, Poland, ME

apple picking orchards

Rocky Ridge Orchard and Bakery

Phone: 207 666-5786 Route 201, Bowdoin, ME

apple picking orchards

Rollins Orchards

Phone: (207) 924-3504 262 Dexter Rd, Route 94, Garland, ME

apple picking orchards

Romac Orchard

Phone: (207) 636-3247 H Road, Acton, ME

apple picking orchards

Rowe Orchards

Phone: (207) 368-4777 Rte 7, Newport, ME

apple picking orchards

Sandy River Apples

Phone: (207) 587-2563 240 West Sandy River Rd., Mercer, ME

apple picking orchards

Schartner Farms

Phone: (207) 568-3668 Route 220, Thorndike, ME

apple picking orchards

Sewall’s Organic Orchards

Phone: (207) 763-3956 259 Masalin Road, Lincolnville, ME

apple picking orchards

Shackley Hill Orchard

Phone: (207) 897-4283 Shackley Hill Road, Livermore, ME

apple picking orchards

Shalom Organic Orchard & Winery

Phone: (207) 565-2312 158 Eastbrook Rd, Franklin, ME

apple picking orchards

Snell Family Farm

Phone: (207) 929-6166 Route 112, Bar Mills, ME

apple picking orchards

Spiller Farm

Phone: (207) 985-2575 85 Spiller Farm Lane, Wells, ME

apple picking orchards

Stukas Farms

Phone: (207) 786-2639 144 Ferry Road, Lewiston, ME

apple picking orchards

Sweetser’s Apple Barrel and Orchards

Phone: (207) 829-3074 19 Blanchard Road, Cumberland Center, ME

apple picking orchards

The Apple Farm

Phone: (207) 453-7656 104 Back Road, Fairfield, ME

apple picking orchards

Thompson’s Orchard

Phone: (207) 926-4738 276 Gloucester Hill Road, New Gloucester, ME

apple picking orchards

Treworgy Family Orchards

Phone: (207) 884-8354 3876 Union Street, Levant, ME

apple picking orchards

Valley View Orchards

Phone: (207) 966-2630 212 Hebron Center Rd, Hebron, ME

apple picking orchards

Wallingford’s Fruit House

Phone: (207) 784-7958 1240 Perkins Ridge, Auburn, ME

apple picking orchards

Whit’s Apples

Phone: (207) 395-4436 42 Case Road, East Winthrop, ME